MEC provides process controls on different levels for the electronic boards produced. The incoming material is first checked according to the reliability of the components purchased. 100% of the PCBs manufactured are subject to SPI and AOI checks. The SPI technology allows the inspection of the deposit on the solder paste, while the AOI technology concerns the automatic optical inspection. Side 3D cameras guarantee an inspection capacity of less than 10% comparable to the 6α. MEC ensures these two very important controls, as an integral part of the production process of its electronic boards. The X-RAY inspection on soldered PCBa is always included in the production cycle. The inspection details are three-dimensional with a definition up to 0.1 um thanks to the use of two 4k uHD motors. MEC aims to guarantee the quality and stability of its PCBa during each processing phase. In case of other customized tests and controls requested by the customer, we are available for the definition of a personalized method.